WPFreelance Theme_Introducing Membership Plan

We’re thrilled to announce that Membership Plan is now available in WPFreelance Theme. With this new powerful feature, you can easily create membership plans, offering customers different benefits, and earn more money.

Let’s take a look at the Membership Plan.

Different Plans with Different Benefits

WPFreelance_Membership Plans and Benefits

When a user signs up on your website, he is automatically subscribed to the Free membership plan. However, he can update to the paid plan at any time. 

In each plan, you can specify the price, the duration, and specific benefits offered to the customers. Main benefits include:

  • Number of bids available: In each plan you can decide how many bids a customer can use on your site during the subscription period.
  • Number of project posts available: You can also specify how many times a customer can post projects on your site.
  • View competitor bids: This benefit allows customer to see the bid amount of his competitors in a project, so that he could propose a reasonable bid price.
  • Daily withdrawal request: Instead of waiting longer to withdrawal earnings from your website, customer can easily submit withdrawal request on a daily basis.
  • 0% commission fee: Customers using the plan that offers this benefit will pay zero commission fee on any of their projects.

Manage Membership Plan Settings

WPFreelance Theme_Manage Membership Settings

It’s not too complicated to set up and get the membership plan running. In Admin Dashboard, you can find membership plan settings at Box Settings > Membership.

The setup has three main parts:

  1. Stripe payment gateway: Membership plan uses Stripe as the payment method.
  2. Membership plans: You will create different plans in this section.
  3. Email settings: This part lists out the emails sent to customers regarding the membership plan.

Membership Plan will provide you with a powerful functionality to grow your freelance marketplace website. It is also an effective monetizing tool besides commission fee. 

Try WPFreelance Demo to see how Membership Plan works