Building and Customizing WPFreelance Theme

To build and customize WPFreelance Theme, you can either start from scratch or make use of provided sample data. While the former would cost you substantial amount of time, choosing the latter method will provide you with a page like the one in demo and save you more time for […]

Using WPFreelance Theme Options

Theme options offers you various settings that give you total control of your site such as account settings, payment gateways, email settings and so much more. WPFreelance Theme Options can be accessed in your Admin Dashboard at Box Settings. General Settings Pending Jobs If this option is enabled, all projects […]

Installing WPFreelance Theme

This guide will walk you through the process of installing WPFreelance Theme on your WordPress site. Before installing the theme, you will need to download the theme file from your member area. Let’s get started! Go to BoxThemes member area Log in to your account In the Active Resources section, […]

How to setup PayPal work properly

Here are tutorial to let you know how to setup PayPal and make PayPal works properly in your website. 1) Log into by your paypal account. 2) Go to my profile page ==> Selling tool, like this screenshot There are 2 section should be updated. 1) Instant payment notifications […]

Can I use my theme in multi domains ?

Yes, you are free to use our themes on as many websites as you like. We do not place any restrictions on how many times you can download or use a theme, nor do we limit the number of domains that you can install our themes to.

How Does The Wallet (Escrow) System Work?

Why is Wallet System important and what would happen if Wallet System is not used? Wallet System on WPFreelance Theme functions like an escrow system on a freelance marketplace and offers many benefits to users: Freelancers: Wallet System creates trust for the freelancers. Imagine when we work online for someone […]