Does MarketPlace Theme supports bank transfers in addition to PayPal? General idea is that employers will transfer the payment to my account (platform bank account) so I will be able to withhold taxes and other statutory payments, and only then transfer the payment to the freelancer.
This requires that after the completion of the work by the freelancer, there will be some kind of finalization confirmation by both sides, and afterwards the employer will receive a payment request with the bank details.
Is that possible?
You can enable the cash payment option and show your bank account detail in this payment. If employer select this payment – they have to manually transfer the fund to your bank account(outside the system). After you got the fund in your bank account – you can approve this.
Hope it helps.
Thank you.
Just to make sure – it does not require the use of credit escrow, right?
The transfer can be done at the end of the engagement?Hi Shakarum,
You have to enable the credit system to use the cash payment.
This is the flow:1) Enable the credit system.
2) Employer post 1 job => wait freelancer bid on his job.
3) Hire 1 freelancer who bid in his project. => he have to deposit credit to his balance via cash payment.Hope it helps.
So this whole process can be made at the end of the engagement? What is important for me is that the payment will be made at the end, and not in the beginning.
Hi Shakarum,
I’m sorry. The theme doesn’t support this.
If you like this, we can help you customize the flow by disable the escrow featured.For the rest, they can talk in conversation and manually transfer the fund outside the system.
Will the bidding process be ok in this scenario where they talk in conversation?
For the customization, how much will you charge for this (for enabling cash payment only at the end of the process)?
Is that the flow you want to achieve:
1) Employer submit the project A.
2) Freelancer F bid on project A with $100.
3) Employer hire freelancer F to work on project A without pay in advanced the fund.
4) Freelancer F works on this and delivery the result.
5) After Freelancer D delivery the result. System send the information of bank account of admin to Employer. Employer check and manually transfer $100 to that bank account.Hello,
The theme doesn’t support this flow.
If you really like this, we might help you customize this with a low budget.
Please email us: contact@boxthemes.net.Thanks.
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