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I have a problem in the following situations and need help:
• I need the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy that appears when you register your profile and when a project is posted, to be linked to the following addresses:
• I did the translation in Poedit and then I uploaded the .po and .mo files, but it didn’t work, the translation was not done. I need to do the translation, because I will use it only in Brazil.
• On the projects page, when I am going to share the project on social networks, it is only available for sharing via email or Twitter. Could the G + option, google no longer provide profiles, could be switched to another social network, such as LinkedIn for example? The Facebook option does not have the possibility of sharing.
I look forward to it.
I forwarded an email with all the issues I am having on the site and my Cpainel username and password.
I request a return as a matter of urgency, as site support and upgrade are part of the package I purchased.
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