Create a Membership Plan

To create a membership plan in Admin Dashboard, go to Box Settings > Membership.

1. At the Membership Plans section, click “Add New Membership Plan”.

Create a membership plan

2. Enter the following information:

Create a membership plan

  • Membership Name: This name will appear in your Admin Dashboard and to customers on your website.
  • Price: Price of the membership plan
  • Duration: There are 4 options available: monthly, every 3 months, every 6 months, or yearly.
  • SKU: This value is unique to each plan and is displayed in Admin Dashboard.
  • Stripe Pricing ID: This value is also unique. Read this guide on how to set up Stripe Pricing ID.
  • Number of bids: This field specifies the number of bids a customer will have when purchasing this plan.
  • Number of project posts: This field specifies the number of times a customer can post projects on your website. 
  • Plan description: This description will be displayed to your customers.
  • No commission charge: Ticking this box means you won’t collect any commission fee on the projects done by customers of this plan. 
  • Daily withdrawal: This option allows your customers to submit withdrawal request on a daily basis.
  • View competitor bids: Choosing this option enables your customers to see the bid amount of other competitors in a project.

3. Click on “Save Plan” button to add the new plan. 

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