Membership plan is a function that allows site admins to create different membership plans to offer to their customers. When a user signs up on your freelance website, he is automatically subscribed to the default FREE membership plan. Main features of the membership plan include:
1. Payment method:
Stripe is used for membership plan purchase. Customers can pay by debit/ credit card.
2. Membership benefits:
- Number of bids available
- Number of project posts available
- No commission charge: If this option is chosen, customers using this plan will not be charge commission of any projects.
- Daily withdrawal: This option allows users to submit withdrawal requests on a daily basis.
- View competitor bids: This option gives users the right to see the bid price of their competitors in any projects.
3. Email settings:
- Become a membership: This email is sent to user when he buys a membership plan and becomes a paid member on your site.
- Membership plan renewed: This email is sent to user when his membership plan is successfully renewed.
- Membership plan expired: This email is sent to user when his membership plan has expired. This may happen when user has cancelled his plan before the next billing cycle or when his account balance is not enough for the plan renewal.
- Membership plan expires soon: This email is sent to user to notify him of the next billing cycle date of his current membership plan.
4. Manage membership:
Currently, membership transactions can be managed in Stripe Dashboard at Customers > Subscriptions section.
5. Set up membership plan:
Main steps to set up membership plans on your website are as follows:
- Enable membership subscription function in Stripe:
- Log in to Stripe Dashboard > Settings > Payments > Checkout settings > Toggle the button on the right side to Enabled at Checkout client-only integration.
- At the Checkout client-only integration section, paste the domain of your homepage and then click Save.
- Set Stripe API
- Add membership plans
- Set Stripe pricing ID for each membership plan
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